Spectral vs. McIntosh

I was wondering whether there are people who have changed from Spectral to McIntosh preamps/amps, or the other way round, an d how they describe the difference in sound. Thanks.
What mac are you trying to compare to spectral. And which spectral ?
I am not sure it makes any difference because the two products
are so different. I will say that the spectral owner is not likley to sell and buy mac. Just my opinion.
two of my all time favorite brands...the spectral is more analytical....the mac more warm and tubelike.
I do not try to compare models, but just to get an impression of what the difference in sound is. I myself have a McIntosh C200/MC402 combo, which offers excellent mids, deep, life-like bass (very important to me!), natural highs, but not the last degree in resolution. I just wonder about Spectral, which I have never listened too, but which is supposed to sound excellent as well. I am just out for impressions and descriptions of people who have done so.
This strikes me as a variation on the old "tubes vs solid state" debate. Both brands are fine examples of those, with Spectral being near the top in terms of most ss fans views of various ss gear.
If you tend to prefer most tube gear over most ss, then I'd bet you will prefer your McI. to the Spectral. The Spectral will certainly provide thunderous bass with the right speakers, and tons of detail(some might argue more than in real life). OTOH, as a tube guy, my personal taste is such that for my ears few-to-none of the ss amps I've heard provide natural highs.
You really should try to hear any high $ ss gear before making a jump from tubes that mostly make you happy. The overall change will likely be large, whether to Spectral or most other ss gear. Cheers,