"Beware" sounds like some kind of ominous warning! It would be rather strange if it doesn't match with the X250.5. Generally speaking, Pass Pre-amps matches very well with their amps. I have heard the X1 with the X350.5 paired up with Gershman and also Avalon speakers and the sound was very good. I have also heard the 0.2 and Pass amps at various hi-fi shows and there is nothing to indicate that they would not match well- even with the newer .5 series. The Hovland pre and Pass amp combo had an edge in richness but the X1 combo had more dynamics- hear more of the music. To each his own I guess.
"Beware" sounds like some kind of ominous warning! It would be rather strange if it doesn't match with the X250.5. Generally speaking, Pass Pre-amps matches very well with their amps. I have heard the X1 with the X350.5 paired up with Gershman and also Avalon speakers and the sound was very good. I have also heard the 0.2 and Pass amps at various hi-fi shows and there is nothing to indicate that they would not match well- even with the newer .5 series. The Hovland pre and Pass amp combo had an edge in richness but the X1 combo had more dynamics- hear more of the music. To each his own I guess.