Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise.

Why does my Aesthetix Calypso become noisier when I connect it to a Berning ZH270?
Yes, the noise problem is multiple of 8. What do you mean with this? “He said that after he rearranged his cabling, the problem was gone.”
I have got new cables to. Stereovox SEI/LSP. I don’t use the Hydra for the moment. I have to contact Aesthetix then. The pre was not like this when I used it with a cary cad 211 ae.
"What do you mean with this? 'He said that after he rearranged his cabling, the problem was gone.'"

His system is hyper-sensitive to cables touching each other, crossing over each other, sitting on the floor, etc. Such a situation would drive me crazy but he is used to this. Once he re-arranged the cables to not be in contact with each other and routed them in different ways, the issue of higher noise with the level at multiples of 8 was gone. Inexplainable black magic! Maybe he resolved it for the moment, but it is an inherent design constraint here.....and it will return as you have observed it as well. Calling Aesthetix is the answer.