Intergrated Amp with VR4jrs

I'm looking to upgrade and also change to an intergrated amp. Right now I'm using a Classe CP50 pre and an Odyssey Stratos power. Does anyone have experience with using either a Krell KAV 400i or a Musical Fidelity A5 with VR4jrs and how would you describe the sound? Please do not make tube recommendations.
I was a solid state guy my whole life. Never thought of tubes, particulary because my speakers were not efficient enough, and even if they were, I was concerned more about what tubes couldn't do as well as SS, rather than what they do better. My speakers are 101db? That made not only tubes possible, but SET a reality. There's no going home. An intimate, holographic sound that, to this day, kills me. In this audiophoolish hobby, as in life, keeping an open mind, and having the willingness to try something new is a good thing. Just a little FWIW on the tube idea. BTW, I don't have experience with the YBA Passion Integre with the VR4jrs, but IMHO the Passion as well as its' baby brother (Integre DT) IMHO, are superior to your choices. I owned them both and loved them. In fact the YBA Passion was the amp I let go of, for SET. Beautiful ss integrated amps. Very hard to beat at their price level and at considerably more. Check the 'gon archives and google.
Yes all this bunk that tubes are weak in power/bass vs ss, tubes can be just as fatiguing as ss, tubes wear out and so are costly to replace. All bunk. I have the smallest of the Jadis line, 20 watts and it drives one of the most demanding speakers a MTM design. Perfectly, more volume than I need.
I, too, was like you ! I went from all SS seperates to a hybrid integrated because "something" was missing . I loved it . Now I have gone to a fully
tubed integrated . I found what was missing ! I will probably never go back to SS for music !
Any bells going off ?
Those choices would be a sideways move. All good amps. I went from ss to integrated tube and will not go back. Check out my system. Phil Brady.
You did not want tube recommendations, but so far, out of the preceding 7 responses, six have said tubes. Now make that 7 out of 8.

There are some people who absolutely will not mess with tubes due to the hassle/heat/replacement, etc. I was one of them until I heard what they do. After hearing, some decide it is still not worth it, but you must decide that from your own observations and feelings, not from what you read.