rotel rb1090 or odyssey stratos mono extremes

was thinking of upgrading/changing my rotel rb1090 to mono extremes. has anyone compared the two? or are there any better suggestions? see my system for other equipment.
Well no matter what if you put mono extremes is about 10 times the amplifier in sound and quality... So thats a choice you need to make based on price, but it is very safe to say that you will not be going down in anyway from the Rotel. I have heard Rotel amps but not specifically this one. However the only other close peers to the Odyssey in price performance(and even way higher price to be honest) are a few McCormack designs, Belles, And Mcintosh.. With the Infinity speakers its a toss up, fact is no matter what a mcintosh will sound very nice in this combo. But odyssey you will get more for the money, mcintosh is very musical, odyssey is very Lab grade accurate, its not harsh just will sound like the components in front of it without color, the mcintosh may sound a bit more fuzzy, this was my experience anyway.
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I was using a Rotel RB 1090 to drive Thiel CS 3.6s and decided to try Stratos Mono Extreme SE's. The improvement was immediately noticeable: more detailed all around and improved bass depth. I sold the Rotel after about a month. Associated equipment: Sony SCD 555es changer, Rotel RC 1090 preamp, Thiel CS3.6, Anti-cables and interconnects. I can't comment on synergy/compatability with other equipment but I'm completely happy with the Monos/Thiel combination. They've been in my system now for 2 months. I'm now saving to buy the Tempest Extreme or new Candela preamp to pit against the Rotel RC 1090.