Have you tried Red Wine?

I have been using a Red Wine Audio Clari-T amp with my Zu Druids and a sub. Fantastic performance. Without the sub I felt it was quite good but a little wimpy on the bottom. Now I have big time performance from an inexpensive battery powered low power amplifier. I would like to know if others have had similar results and has anybody tried the new Signature 30 I'm thinking about buying?

I just received the new Signature 30 on Friday. Even though T amps are supposed to sound ratty out the gate, this one didnt, and it is improving almost hourly to reveal a sound that actually mimics a very good SET type presentation in terms of liquidity and the overall single ended gestalt, minus the dimensinal cues endemic to single ended triode amplification. Its ability to provide a new level of amp resolution, while infusing the material with a new level of energy is astounding even in the early going. SET amps don't come close in the bass energy dept., and this thing has the rise time of fork lightning, but tempered, and warmed by a pair of 2.5uF Jensen/Audio Note coupling capacitors. The amp-board is custom designed and built as well, and the outcome is really stunning. I am using Omega SuperHemps, and Visaton B200's, -two per side, on open baffle.
Have the little "baby" integrated (6 watter). Cool product. Punchy, revealing. Ordered the new "big brother" (30 watter). Will have in a few days. I use with Omega. I'll let ya know my impressions in a few weeks.
Can anyone comment on how do these amps compare with other "Class D" or switching amps, such as the ICE, UcD, and Nuforce products?
The only D amp I have used other than my Vin Rose is the Rowland 201 with Ice Power and a lot of experimentation took place between these experiences. Off the top, however, I would credit the Clari-T with higher resolution and a more lively presentation. The Ice had better bass but that may be due to having more than 40 times the rated output.
I had to find out for myself, so I called Vinnie this morning and ordered a Sig 30 and a DAC. Last week I received the Zu Definition Pro speakers like Srajan uses and I'm hoping that the new Red Wine amp works as well with them as he says. Does anyone have any more info on their Signature 30 experience?