Amp with a hard,clean and cold sound...

Without being harsh a the top and with muscles.
Any suggestions ?
hho -- NuForce is not an ICEPOWER amp, so I guess you haven't heard the NuForce. Also, that's sort of a bold statement saying that the H2O amps are "hugely different" (i.e., much better) than all other ICEPOWER amps that use SMPS power supplies.

Your comments bring one word to mind... "Whatever".
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If it is hard clean sound you want, then I would definitely go with the switch powered class D amps. Like There isn't anything cold about toroidal powered amps, they are just clean and natural.
Mark Levinson No 23.5

It's been a fantastic work horse for me, I picked up a No 27 and run them both to bi-amp my Paradigm Signature S4's. I bought an ARC VT-60 hoping to get a more tubed sound. My goal was to eventually go with a VT-100 Mk III for the bass/mid and the VT-60 to power the tweeters.

I thought the Levinson actually had as good an upper end and mid sound ... and the bass - it's not even a comparison. I expected the VT-60 to keep up at lower volume levels but I'm just not feeling the love. I thinking about sending both the Levinsons into Harmon and have them gone through - bring the No 27 to a 27.5 and call it good. I personally think I own one of the best SS amps with the Levinson name on it. I have never even pushed them. I can bring the volume level from soft to concert level and they dont seem to flinch.

All that being said - there is synergy between amplifiers and speakers ... I found my combo. Your speakers will be just as big a factor ...