Preamp gain vs. poweramp sensitivity


Just purchased an Art Audio Carissa which has input sens. of 600mV (very high). At first, I was thinking that I would want a high-gain pre because the Carissa puts out only 16W/ch and could benefit from some preamp gain.

However, I believe upon considering the sensitivity that a high-gain pre is NOT desired because:

1) I would need to open the VC only a bit before the Carissa was driven to full power.

2) For the above reason, the high-gain is wasted anyway because the pre wouldn't be able to put out what it's capable of without overdriving the Carissa.

Do I have this straight? The relation of gain to voltage is not clear to me. The preamp is specified as outputting 2V yet, with a standard 2V source, that is actually unity gain! So what exactly does "20db of gain" in a preamp mean?

Thanks for clarification on this question.

May I borrow this thread? Perhaps Herman can clear my head. I have a stereo amp that is rated at 250 watts per channel in to 8 Ohms with 26.6 db of gain. What is the amps sensitivty?
On the other hand I have an amp with .8V sensitivity and puts out 225 watts (tested at closer to 300) onto 8 ohms. Can you calculate the gain. Thanks in advance.
Ok, Paul. Sorry for stealing your thread. Perhaps you might be able to confirm whether I'm correct in assuming that an amp with 26.6 db of gain has a sensitvity of 2.66 V for full out put?
I don't mind the bogarting of the thread. It's all good. I haven't run your #s but if you used Herman's equation it must be right.