What Integrated Amp for Reynaud Offrandes

I've decided to sell my Trentes in favor of the larger Offrandes. I'm planning to replace my VAC PHI 30/30 amp with a higher powered integrated with phono stage to drive these. Are there any Offrande owners out there who have found a synergistic match? The distributor recommends a hybrid or push pull integrated tube amp. I'm thinking maybe Vac Super Avatar or one of the Musical Fidelity integrateds.
I had the chance to hear a pair of Offrandes w/relatively low-powered tube amps (50w Quicksilvers), and I thought they sounded very nice. I would listen to them w/your PHI 30/30 first, as you might be suprised.
Thanks Bojack. You may be right. I'm sure that the Phi 30/30 would sound very nice with the Offrandes, but this is also a financial decision. I've decided to re-allocate more of my resources into speakers, and less into electronics. The distributor does state that the Offies like some power to bring out the best in their bottom end. At any rate, I just listed my Phi 30/30 (with some regret). I wouldn't be too broken up if it didn't sell. Anybody want to buy a Honda Element ;-)?
When Bob Neil did his Reynaud review series for Positive fedback a few years ago, he had great success with both Audiomat & Blue Circle tubed components.

From his Offrande review:
"They strike me as being a very friendly load, which should respond well to any good amp that can deliver 50-150 watts into their 4 ohms, so long as it's not too cool sounding. An Audiomat Prelude integrated tube amp (EL 34's) comes to mind as an interesting alternative."

I'd take a BAT integrated over Musical Fidelity any day with the Reynauds. But, Audiomat and BC would be where I'd start looking. Manley and Unison Research would also be good possibilities.