Thanks Phil(and your understudies).Assuming when you mde comment abou power your were refering to 2A3.A Jolida 102 (20 watas) is up right now for peanut and I should grab it for a non-audiophool buddy to try out with some Omega's.Also buying 50 l;otery tickets so I can geta Cary 805C.Wonde if that Whacky Wavac company maes a 2A3/845.Can't remeber he tubes it uses but at $300K+ it should hve double octetes of 30's vintage 300B's but I hear only has a 3 waranty.Can you imagine an amp like that not having lifetime warranty the doesen't require children and futherr descendents to repair even though the company probaly won't last more than 5 years selling goofy items like that.But a cheapskate thanks you.Now to just hear the Abby's'Omega's and maybe this new $2800 Zu Cable speaker.$10K for flagship and $1800 for monitor and $2K sub.Seems like big hole in thier line up but getting interesting buzz especially from crowd).and others on the net.Too bad we never get some of the european and asian offerinngs in hghi efficency that never makes it hear.