B&W 801 separate amplifier just for bass drivers


I own B&W Nautilus 801 speakers and intend to buy a separate digital bass amp (for example new Rotel 1092). In this configuration I use a ML 23.5 for hights/mids.

Has anyone experience with this setup? Any products you can recommend?

When using different brand amps you have to consider the gain will be different. How can you control that ??
I used four channels of my CAL MC2500 on 30amp dedicated circuit and I'm very happy with the sound.
A few weeks ago I borrowed a Adcom GFA 555 and a Hafler TA 1600 power amps from a friend. I bi-wired them to my 801's, Hafler on top and the Adcom for bass. The Hafler has adjustable outputs, so finite adjustments can be made for interesting results. The room is a whole lot cooler and it's a lot of fun tweaking. I bought a used Adcom 555 here and bridged both into mono mode. The bass is even better.

The adjustable outputs on the Hafler is a really cool feature and may be something to think about when putting a bi-amp set-up together.

Good luck