12AT7 tubes

Hi audiogoners,
I need to replace one tube in my VTL phono stage, it marks 12AT7/ECC81. Is it safe to use tubes brands other than JJ tubes VTL recommends, like mullard or telefunken one.It looks like there are different version of 12AT7 in Mullard.Can someone tell the difference for each version.and your recommendations.Thanks for any information.KB
i am using rca black plate 12at7 with my vtl deluxe 120 amps.

another suggestion is to use tube dampers on the 12at7. i use EAT tube dampers.
As an alternative to the expensive telefunken tubes, you can try the Siemens 12at7, I liked them when I use to have an AVA preamp.
There is no need to stay with the JJs. I have a bunch of 12AT7s except the truly expensive and rare they all have their own sound, Start rolling.
I'm not all that familiar with 12AT7 types, but one not previously mentioned is the Sylvania Gold Brand 6201. I use a pair of these in my Lector CDP 0.6T and they work very well for that application although I've not made any comparisons between Sylvanias and other types. Worth looking into.