Trying out a tube preamp

Hello, all. I'm looking for some ideas. My 2-channel system consists of a Sony SCD777ES front-end, Bryston BP25 preamp, Bryston 4BSST amp, Audioquest Python and Caldera wires, and Totem Mani2 speakers. My listening room measures about 13 by 15 feet and is "dead" in character -- carpeting, sheetrock over concrete walls, bookcases, etc. Musical taste covers the spectrum.

I'm very happy with the system and have been enjoying it for a few years. But... you know how it goes. Lately I've been thinking of trying something different. I'm thinking a tube preamp in place of the BP25. Just a hunch that it might be a worthwhile change. Let's say the budget is up to USD$5000. Used is fine. Any recommendations on what would work well with the rest of my system?
Try an Audio Horizons TP 2.0 with 4 Siemens tubes and all the upgrades from Joseph Chow for under $2500.00 new.
I've been through a dozen or so tube preamps in the past few years, this one made me stop looking and start listening.
There's a thread here on 3-16-06 about this preamp, check it out.
30 day trial period, can't lose.
A Rogue Magnum 99 is superb (aboout $3K). A Mcintosh C2200 (About $5K) tube preamp tube-rolled with Mullard, Telefunken or Amperex Bugle Boy NOS tubes and Herbies Hal-O tube dampers is about as good as it gets. Just my $.02

I've had both with my Bryston 4BST and loved the combination. Only thing I liked better is selling the 4BST and replacing it with the Mcintosh MC275 tube amp; much more vivid detail, nuance and punch than the 4BST.
I was running an all Krell system. I started with a Convergent
Audio Technologies (CAT) Signature MK III. I tried a Cnary 903 and have since gone to a CAT Ultimate MK II. I really like the CAT stuff. I opted to go with the one without the phono as I much prefer my ZYX phono stage. I did not want to have to deal with the phono stage tubes. I will say that the phono section in the CAT was also very good. I had some gain issues.

I have also switched to tube amps (Canary 339 monos). Once I started down the tube road I realized it is the sound I am looking for. Enjoy the music.
Mick Maloney of Supratek builds the most beautiful and musically involving tube preamps I have ever heard. He makes both line stage preamps and line and phono stage preamps. Even if you are only playing Digital at this time I would recommend a Chenin at $2900 or a Cortese at $5000. Once you hear the phono stage in these preamps you will be dying to get into analog! Don't get me wrong, the line stage is also wonderful. These preamps don't should like tubes or like SS, they should like MUSIC! You can check out his line at