EL34 Integrated

I am in need of a bargain integrated with el34 for my bedroom system to be used with Merlin tsm-mm. Name isn't a factor. Thanks in advance.
no brainer-
shanling 35 watt integrated.

good out of the box.

roll the tubes (not a big deal) and your really sweet.

additional mods available for down the road upgrades.

I have one in my office driving a set of proac 2.5's.

very, very pleasing, if not the final word in accuracy & resolution. OTH - can listen to the rig for hours w/ a smile on my face.

best regards - good luck.

I would also suggest looking into the Primaluna int.`s sold by Upscale Audio. The Prologue One is 35w/ch. using EL-34`s...the Prologue Two, 40w/ch., can also be used with the 34`s. Lots of great reviews and there may be a couple of used ones here on a`gon. They usually go for $900-$1200 respectively on the used market.

I have the tsm`s on order and should be receiving them shortly. I hope you let us know which int. amp that you chose and fill us in on the results.

Good luck.
Sorry about the question for the onix after someone had responded. I'm interested in the Ming Da MC34A? Anyone familiar?
The undisputed bargain of a lifetime in a bargain EL 34 integrated: The Cayin TA-30, around $ 700.00 used.

They usually have the extended bias option built-in, meaning you can use a wide variety of tube, including the 6550, KT-88 family of tube.

PLUS, you can use only 2 tubes and go for a whopping 4 watts (instead of the stock 35 watts/channel) of near-SET sound.

Easy to bias (Paul at TAD audio design can help with biasing instructions), it's a beautifull unit, and looks like a million bucks.

They sold tons, yet they are somewhat scare, as audiophiles keep'em.

Search for one and read all that is written on the web, I don't think you can do better at even twice the price.

Good luck !