Please help - 3 top-of-mind choices for Avantgarde

Hi - I have just bought a pair of Avantgarde UNOs speakers and need to rebuild all my system around it (sounda familiar???).

I have a pair of QUAD amps (vintage - loan from a friend) and having great results, some say SET is NOT the way to go with the UNOs, but I may relay on the vast experience here - please advise of the best amps you think I need to consider.

PS: Manufacturer recommends a minimum of 10 watts per channel amp, I would rather prefer monoblocks.

Larryi-I would love to trey my amps with the Viva or Art Audio amps, as well as Wavac, currently I am focusing on matching the welborne with a good preamps since I am running direct to the amps via the variable output of the Accuphase CDP I own.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I use Viva Aurora monoblocks (845) with my Trios 2.2. It is a lot of power for Trios. I tried an Atma-spere M60 MKII and it was not so good. The high frequencies were very rolled off and the overall sound was a little dead. There must be an impedence dip in the Trios tweeter. I did not here this in my Silverline speakers. It sounded quite good, but the OTL is no SET. Even playing rock music when I throw a party, the SET sound is still more engaging on my Silverlines. The bass is a little less tight though. The Duos might not have this problem that I noticed in the Trios. This was in a direct comparison with my Vivas.

I really like the sound of the Viva, but want to try something else also. I have in mind the ART Audio px-25, lots of talk on this with Duos, and the Wavelength Cardinal X-1. Has any one compared or have comments on these three with Duos or Trios.
I am a big fan of biamping, the Avantgardes are already biamped, since they come with the active woofers (subwoofers would have to cut lower than 250 hz!!)
I think SETs would sound great on the top (with both horns).
The lower freq would have to be cut from entering the SET amp though...
Anyone biamping? Active XO, Passive Line Level XO? Etc.
Well - I ended up getting a Jadis DA50 pure calss A amp, sound is rich and extended, nice fit for the UNOs, but still curious with the Audiopax or Lamm.

Thanks all for your feedback
Since the UNOs are less efficient than other Avantgardes, and we can't be in your room, nor know what is loud enough for your tastes, I'd day that a sufficiently powerful and good SET should be great.

Just to be on the safe side re the comments above, amps that employ the 2A3, 45, and simlar power tubes might be a risky recommendation.

But power from 10 watts and above, for most people, in most situations, would be adequate.

At this power level and above, it'll be about finding the best SET amp to do the job.