FPB Series - Hot Running?

I'm sure the FPB series of Krell amps aren't cool running, but how hot do they run? Too hot to touch? Will they heat a medium sized room to uncomfortable levels without extra cooling? I'm specifically asking about the FPB-200 and FPB-300 - no interest in the 600. Thanks, Kirk
Can only comment on the FPB 200. Heat output is not problematic for me or the cat. At maximun output, the manual says it's capable of using 1700 watts which would be about 13% more than a typical 1500 watt electric space heater. Even listening to Rave-Electronica with my 4 ohm KEF's, it's never put out as much heat as a space heater on a 900 watt setting.

In the midwest at this time of year, a little extra heat just helps the furnace cycle a little less often. So Enjoy!
I had an FPB 300 and before buying it had the same concerns. It could get to hot to touch for long and it will heat a good size room to uncomfortable levels especially if the room is closed. On the positive side it made a great space heater in the cold weather and if your stove should break...bottom line, a nice amp, but that baby makes heat...period!!!
I own and use both the FPB and the KSA 300's. No doubt about it, the FPB is MUCH hotter than the KSA.
When both are just sitting with no music, but in the on position, the KSA300S is actually cool; not so with the FPB300, as it is quite warm. When playing music, the KSA gets warm and the FPB gets hot.
But.........the FPB is overall a far better amp!
I have a fpb 200c which does run hot but not that hot. Very nice amp. I might be selling it if your interested let me know?
On a home trial with the FPB 300 driving Thiel CS7.2s I thought this amp became unacceptably hot. To hot to keep my hand on it. I ended up with a Classe Omicron, which also can get quite hot (not as hot as the Krell however), and it raises the temperature in my 22x16x9.5 room noticeably, uncomfortably so during warm weather.