High End Integrated Choices

I had posted earlier but haven't seen it so here goes again.

Need to make a shortlist of hi-end integrateds to match the following system:

Sony SCD777ES SACD Player, Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II Interconnects and Satori Speaker cable connected to B&W 805S monitors.

Searching for feedback specifically on BAT V300X SE Integrated withe 6H30 super tube and McIntosh MC2275 Tube Integrated.


If you are excited by the MC2275, by all means try it. The BAT may be too much in an undamped room and I think you will be surprised at the power the Mc has - I was.
Check out the Accustic Arts power 1 if you have a chance , btw at my parents house we have te Mcintosh 6500 but the Accustic arts is way on diffrent league.
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