FPB Series - Hot Running?

I'm sure the FPB series of Krell amps aren't cool running, but how hot do they run? Too hot to touch? Will they heat a medium sized room to uncomfortable levels without extra cooling? I'm specifically asking about the FPB-200 and FPB-300 - no interest in the 600. Thanks, Kirk
I know its a bummer. I just plant native species so I don't have to mow the lawn in that part of the house to compensate. That will take care of silly energy usage for vanity sake not to mention the outrageous levels of air pollution a gas mower gives off. It really can be healthy for all of us having less connection to petroleum centric operating devices and that includes Dick Channey. :)
Nanderson...please lighten up!!! All the question was does the Krell amp run hot. Somehow you got into world politics. Take it easy...we aren't building a rocket ship here!!! Go to the fridge and get one of those icies, or whatever those things are and relax.

Sorry if I disrupted your blissfulness. Why not question our energy usage? Maybe you should ask the entire state of California the same question when they were mandated to shut down all non-essential electrical devices. Seems to me that big sections of California had their heads in the sand. Lightening up is what Americans have done for too many years. It is a lifestyle for many. Not taking seriously the connection of energy to national security and how unconscious Americans are to the many interconnected consequences that we represent 5% of the worlds population but use 25% of its resources (what is the fate of the remaining 95% if they want our unconscious lifestyle). Look, I understand this discussion breaks in and makes people think about their consumer choices. But if a person in California where to light up 18-26 100-watt lightbulbs (energy equivalent of your typical big Class A system) on their front yard everytime they listen to music at night (so the bulbs would be plainly visible) and post a sign that says "These lightbulbs represent the amount of energy I use to listen to Fleetwood Mac. Hey guys, do you think my lifestyle has anything to do with our energy problems ? If so take a put check in the yes box on the cards supplied below?" what do you think would be the response? Not wanting to even consider how our indulgences affect the poor people of the world (not least of which is their disgust, travel the world and find out about others opinions,and take George with you at the same time) or the habitat that gets wrecked pursuing more resources so we don't have to think about the consequence during our lifetimes could result in times when energy will be on all our minds much of time (e.g., California). Then we might not be able to lighten up. You do not have to be a tree hugger to think about interconnections of issues or appreciate the satisification of living a life that is sustantiable for all.
I hear you my friend and I feel your pain, but holy baloney,all the question was for this poor guy...DOES THE FPB RUN HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an FPB 200 in a large room driving Thiel 6’s. The amp can and does heat up the room. After listening at mid to high volumes it is hot to the touch but not enough to burn your fingers to the bone.

My FPB 200 saves tons of energy during the winter months. It also serves as a space heater. I have a little computer fan sitting on top, pointed at my feet, keeps the toes nice and warm. Way better than a Fireplace, LOL