Integrated Amp with balanced XLR pre-amp out

Can anyone recommend an integrated amp with both balanced (XLR) input AND output? I'm using a balanced source with just one output and I need to connect a headphone amp in addition to my speaker amp (so I figured I'd look for a speaker amp with a balanced pre-amp output also). I know there are lots of amps with pre-amp RCA outs...I need XLR (balanced) output.

I know about: Electrocompaniet ECI-3 (and 5) (looking for input on these), Jeff Rowland Concentra (kind of expensive), Acoustic Arts Power I (very expensive), BAT VK-300X (hard to find and pricey)
Balance Audio Technology VK 300X, Mark Levinson 383, you can order Cary integrateds with balanced..I'm sure there are others (T+A, McIntosh).
try a Mimetism 15.2 has everything you need plus high power.
check it out at
I believe that the Krell KAV-300i had balanced in & out.

Nice sounding unit...very good value in today's used market.

I steered 2 different acquantances onto this piece...both still use and love their 300i and it has been over 3 years.