FPB Series - Hot Running?

I'm sure the FPB series of Krell amps aren't cool running, but how hot do they run? Too hot to touch? Will they heat a medium sized room to uncomfortable levels without extra cooling? I'm specifically asking about the FPB-200 and FPB-300 - no interest in the 600. Thanks, Kirk
I have an FPB 200 in a large room driving Thiel 6’s. The amp can and does heat up the room. After listening at mid to high volumes it is hot to the touch but not enough to burn your fingers to the bone.

My FPB 200 saves tons of energy during the winter months. It also serves as a space heater. I have a little computer fan sitting on top, pointed at my feet, keeps the toes nice and warm. Way better than a Fireplace, LOL
Thanks to all who responded. My room is 14x18 and on the interior of the house, so ventilation / air circulation is an issue, and it sounds like one of the FPB (probably any pure class-A amp) would overheat the room. -Kirk
I have a FPB-200c and it does get warm but not hot. Prior to this amp I had a KAV-250 which got extremely hot.
Itsalldark - That's interesting. It runs LESS hot than the KAV-250? That's the amp I have now, so I'm familiar with how hot it runs - definitely uncomfortably warm to the touch. I had assumed that a pure class A amp would run even hotter, but perhaps the plateau biasing keeps it cooler. Thanks, Kirk
I was surprised as well, no comparison as far as heat build up or sound. Go for thr FBP200C, you will love it.