Help First Audiophile system

Hey everyone,

I'm a longtime forum reader, but a first-time poster. So to introduce myself, my name is Brian and I'm a starving university student majoring in English-Secondary Education. I have never owned a true audiophile system as I've never had anywhere near enough funds. Well, shortly I will be moving in with a roommate for the first time in a while cutting my rent almost in half. That means I'll have some spare funds. I was going to invest those in paying back loans and buying my girlfriend presents... but where's the fun in that?

So what I'm looking for here is advice on what components I could afford on a very tight budget (think, ~$100-200/mo. in excess funds) so it will take me a long time to save up and purchase any really fancy stuff. But I need SOMETHING good because lately music has lost a lot of it's flavor for me as my speakers in car and on my computer are just too inadequate.

I prefer CDs to Records (own a cat and being a 21 year old college student probably can't take care of them properly) and have a lot of songs on iTunes on my 100GB harddrive so I was thinking that my computer might work as a good source (which would necessitate new sound card reccommendations or the like).

I mainly listen to rock, classical, and blues but sometimes I mix it up with jazz. My knowledge of the hi-end is very very limited so feel free to explain in detail the reasons for and the results of various component choices you may reccommend. I'm also, of course, looking to see prices listed so I can see how long and hard I'm going to have to save up!! Try to keep the reccommendations cheap but quality! Money is the bottleneck here. I will be living in a 992 sq. ft. apartment probably putting the system in the living room (see floorplan here:

System currently: NOTHING!

Anyway, let's get right to it: I am your clay, Mold me!

Thanks in advance,
I second the proposal for the NAD L40. It would make an absolutely fantastic starter system for a small room/budget. Way better than the usual "midfi" gear AND at a fraction of the cost. Happy Listening.
Alright, nominated and seconded, I'm gonna go for it. I'll report back on how it turns out.

Thanks very much guys, I knew I'd get good feedback here!!
Recently put a very nice system together consisting of a used Rega Jura floorstanders w/ a MINT 1990 Sony ES Rec. w/ a Yamaha CDC-655 5 disk CDP which can be bought used for under $75. Total cost $550. Another system; HK VX-550i Rec. (Upgraded bidding posts-$30) w/ ADS L500 Bookshelf and Plateau 16" stands and NEC CD-650 CDP. Roughly $350. Superb sounding. Another very nice little system for a friend. Pionner SX-3400 Rec. w/Energy XL-16 Bookshelf Spks. NEC CD-500 CDP. Under $200. Most important factor is dealing w/reputable sellers. So many choices here and elsewhere.
you can save so much money on wire by buying something like the NAD L40 and NAD stuff is very highly reviewed so I recommend the all in one approach as well.
Thanks so much guys.

Kotta, I'll probably save this thread and use htose as ideas for future upgrades.