Are some of us cultish in our beliefs

We only want to talk on certain amps and not consider others. There is the BAT groupies, the CAT groupies, the per amp deal of the century groupies, ARC groupie
Which groupie are you?
I am a Cayin and Jadis groupie.
Some people are open minded and willing to listen to anything others like something special(their view) and focus on that. Why should it be anything different in audio than politics or food.
I was a member of the Maggie Cult, and I suspect many will show their faces as their are maybe the most loyal bunch of owners. I escaped camp for a while but will return when I get the space to do then justice.

At the moment I am most intrigued by "soundstage." Mainly just having a setup that allows the music to breathe and layout into the room. I imagine most setups don't allow speaker positions to really allow the music to unfold. At the moment I get bother when I listen to systems that seem to have a congested or closed in soundstage. Personally, I've been looking for a thread to further explore this topic.
I would never join a cult that would have me as a member.

(Credit to Groucho Marx)
Les Paul is still there every Monday but I'm more onto the avantgarde such as Sun Ra which could be also heard in this venue once in a while.
I could also be an ECM label(including Watt) groupie since I always follow their new releases and got plenty of old ones numbering near or above 100 on CDs and records. I even don't pass their compilations. The spelling of E C M was always for me pronounced as MUSIC.
with respect to timbre, i find that the quad esl presents a very life like timbral representation of an instrument.

i have spoken to several manufacturers who also concur with my opinion.