Best ICE-powered amps ?

I´m thinking of building a nice second system around ICE powered amps but haven´t got a clue (and currently not the time) to compare them.

The ones I know and heard good things of are:
- JRDG 501
- Bel Canto e.One Ref. 1000s
- NuForce Ref. 9 SE
- Red Dragon

Which one is the best ? Are there any ICE power experts on agon ?
Chris - forget all those ICE powered amps. I have tried them on my Eidolons, and they don't make a synergistic match at all. You will get a flat and sterile sound from this combination. All ceramic based Avalons need someting warmer sounding since they already have a slightly cooler rendition. That is why they sound best with tubes. The best SS amp I have found so far was Plinius SA-102. Probably also Cary MB-500 would work, too.
I cannot comment on the other amps, but can say that I love the Bel Canto REF1000s driving my B&W 803Ds.
Elberoth: I´ve just had JRDG 501´s in my set-up alongside with NuForce 9.02, Pass X 350.5 and my private Ayre V-1xe.

I must say I currently lean strongly towards my Ayre (probably it doesn´t need a replacement ?). From the others I preferred Pass to JRDG which was better than NuForce.

I was told the new Kharma Matrix 150 amp is a mighty fine amp driving ceramique speakers. I´ll give it a try.
By all means do. I'm curious on your opinion on Kharma amp. I have heard it during CES, but never had a chance to try it at home.

BTW - how does the Ayre compare to Pass ?
I like the Ayre more. Pass is good too but the Ayre gives me a more easy listening experience. I was told to try Edge Class D amps as well but I´m not that convinced as I´ve once had the chance to listen to a shoot out between Edge NL 12.1 and Boulder 1060 and the Boulder was by quite a big margin the winner to all auditors and I find the V-1xe quite close to the 1060.