Connecing Balanced and Unbalanced at the same time

I will ask the question first then will tell you what I am thinking about doing. Can I connect balanced and unbalanced cables to my 9BSST at the same time? And everytime I want to use the source that's connected to either one of them, I will change the switch on my amp's channels. I have a 9BSST and currently using a receiver (Pioneer Elite VSX-55Tix) acting as a preamp/processor, and it is currently connected to the amp using unbalanced connectors. My objective is to improve the sound in stereo mode. I am thinking about buying a DAC with a volume control and connect it to the amp using balanced connectors when I listen to music. When I want to watch TV or movies, I will turn my DAC off and switch the connectors on the amp to unbalanced so it will gets its feed from the receiver. I know that this will be inconvenient, however I won't have to spend large sums of money on a good preamp/processor. If you have a better way of doing these, please let me know.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

I don't know about your amp specifically, but on most that have both single-ended and balanced inputs, the "switch" between them is not actually an input selector in the preamp sense, but is only there to prevent hum which could otherwise be induced (in place of input shorting plugs). If the switch doesn't defeat your presently-used single-ended inputs when flipped over to balanced, this is why, and both sets of inputs are always 'live'. Assuming that's the case, then you wouldn't want to connect two sources to both sets of amp inputs simultaneously because of the parallel impedance.
I would look for a decent 2 channel preamp with a HT pass through instead. You will most likely end up with better sound (I don't like systems with no preamps) as it buffers the amp connection with both HT and music. Plus, you have a much simpler system to use, and a much great, and cheaper, selection of cd players.
Zaikesman, I agree with your analysis, and I think that I should drop the idea.

Thanks for all of you, and I appreciate your input.
