Contrast/compare 50W tube amps

Any one familiar with these amps,or make recommendations on another.To be used with two speaker systems:Gallo 90db/9 ohms and Open Baffle 90db/6 ohms.THE CONTENDERS:
Quicksilver Triode monos(6c33c-b/50W)
DeHavilland GM-70s
Bat VK-75SE
Atma-Spere M-60 MKIIIs
Trancendant "The Beast" (I know they are 175/W)
I like the tube warmth,but need the extemsion/dynamics.Cabling will most likely be Omega Mikro.
Thanks for looking/responding in advance,Tom
I'd have to disagree with the assessment made about the Dehavilland GM70.I run the Alon Lotus Sigs,open baffle,2001 model.They give tight quality bass,midrange in the you are there,and a very extended top end,the choice of tubes and interconnects can change the sound to either side of neutral,and will also dictate how much warmth.I play classic rock,jazz,vocals and I must say i'm very happy with the sound in MY SYSTEM..YMMV
of your list, quicksilvers are the ones with the magic. check cj, mac, arc, vac, and music reference as well, if a tube amp or amps is your destination.
Have you considered the AES Sixpac amps? They are made by Cary, are very nice, and IMO are a bargain. For a few dollars more you can have Cary upgrade the speaker binding posts, add a balanced input, and install upgraded caps. You can change the KT-88 tubes for KT-66's if you like a warmer sound. They are 50wpc with KT-88 tubes. Here are a couple of reviews:

BTW I have no affiliation with Cary or AES; I just really like the amps.
I have some issues with the Cary gear,would rather consider the VAC Renaissanceor PHI series.
Same for the ARC and CJ,both have an identifiable signature on the music.Sorry -don't wish to offend!
Thanks for the observations.The GM-70 and Quickies are moving to the Front-of-the-Pack.
No further comment on the Atma-Shere/OTL route??
Many would be quite happy with the DeHavillands. But I could not get them to drive with the energy of the Quickies.