Choice of tube amp?

I`ve auditioned some tube poweramps lately, the Rogue Zeus and the VTL S-400. This has left me contemplating a change from SS to tube power amplification.
My system consists of: APL Hifi NWO-2 cd/tube preamp, Pass Labs X350.5 and Martin Logan Summit. The APL and Summits are here to stay :) The Pass is up for discussion :) The Pass, in my setup, is a little dry sounding and doesn`t involve me as much as I know the APL and Summits are capable of. I`ve researched a little more than Rogue and VTL. I`ve been talking to VAC, Audio Valve, Wolcott, CJ and Cary. Any suggestions? And how they will compare to the Pass in my setup? If you feel my question is dumb or that you need more information, just tell me :)
The problem is that many of these names aren`t even imported to my country :-( So I might to take a leap of faith :) The little I have heard doesn`t indicate that good high powered tube amps is a downgrade from my X350.5. With it in place something is missing, I don`t feel goood listening for a longer period without getting tired. When I listen to tubes the music comea alive in a totally different may. I can`t explain exactly, but tubes do things RIGHT in a way SS can`t IMHO.
Have you considered adding a tube preamp? That could potentially extract more of what you're looking for from the music. I know Alex (APL) doesn't like the use of the preamp, but I've run two players of his, and both times preferred the sound with the preamp.

Alternatively, you might look at some other SS that have a bit more rounded/liquid sound than the Pass: McIntosh, Gamut, Edge...

Just my two cents...
That Pass amp is truly top notch, there are few alternatives that offer as much.

I also second that motion to try a tube pre in your system, at least at a lowered risk, experimental, information gathering perspective.

For tube I have satisfying results powering 4 Ohm nominal/87 dB sensitive speakers with CJ.
I`ve been recommended the Edge 12.1 and the Jeff Rowland 301 blocks as SS replacements. I`ve tried some preamps, up to $15k and they only veiled the sound as to what is with the bulit in pre amp, so the NWO-2 will do double duty as player ad pre also in the future :) McIntosh is too rounded at the frequency extremes.