Preamps - Active, passive...???

I have seen a number of comments in magazines as well as on-line about preamps as an "unnecessary evil", (my words).

There are products such as Volume Controls and Passive Preamps that are supposedly designed to be as simple as possible; thereby changes to the signal are to be minimal. My question is, "Why then would you buy an active preamp, IF these "simplistic" devices are "better""?

Let me state that I am not ridiculing anyone for there purchases. I am in a state a flux in my stereo and the preamp department leaves me scratching my head. Such as, is something simple, such as a Plactte passive the way to go or a highly rated active preamp.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
...Dr joe made a good point for passive preamp lovers:
It is true that you can compromise at high volumes in details and dynamics. Depending on your speakers, it can be any part of sound bandwidth especially bass.
Since I do not turn on high volumes, I realy enjoy the passive preamp's transparency.
The best preamp is no preamp. I am useing Wadia 16i directly connect to Classe CA400 to drive Eggleston Andra speakers. It is very transparent. Less is more.
I tried to insert a very good preamp BAT VK50SE in my system, it didn't increase the dynamic, which proof to me that less is more! Also please remember that additional gear in the music loop only will degrade not improve the sonic quality!
If you have an excellent digital source, excellent cables, an excellent amp, and want the convenience of remote control, you owe it to yourself to try the Placette Passive Linestage. It is absolutely phenomenal, with the above caveats. No kidding.