Adcom monster amps

Looking at connecting one of the bigger Adcoms to the stereo outputs of my Cambridge 540R Home Theater receiver so I can jam in 2-channel mode. I have a pair of B&W 604 S3s and they obviously need more power when played alone.

Looking at either the 5800/5802 series versus a 565 pair or 585 SE - any thoughts out there? I have also considered the 3-channel 5503 thinking I'd get a much nicer bump with the HT, too, and yet still get what I am looking for with stereo. Again any thoughts would be appreciated, even other brand recs (just hear so much about the value of used Adcom amps when it comes to power). Thanks...
The 565 have a brite Harsh sounding Upper mids/highs. the 5802 is more natural.
One thing to beware of with the Adcom stuff is,the earlier amps GFA 555,565,585 are made in NJ.The newer ones 5800,5802 the newer 555 II are made in Japan.The quality as well as reliability went down hill.This is well documented and is clearly audible.Read the reviews here and at of the ones with the sticker on the back that reads"MADE IN JAPAN"The separate amp will add some slam and dynamics to your rig but be aware, the limiting factor will become the preamp section of your video/home theater reciever.Been there done that!
I've owned two Adcom amps. For two channel, I'd suggest you give some thought to the older McCormacks. Much, much, better sounding overall, and very conservative power ratings. I found the 100 W/channel DNA 0.5 seemed to have much more guts than the 200 w/ channel Adcom 5500 it replaced. I would not pair the 565 with B&W speakers based on my experience.