Help amp for Vandersteen 3A sig w/ Anthem pre 2L

Hello, I am putting together my first quality system, and I don't want to do anything wrong!
I have purchased a set of Vandy 3a sigs and the Anthem 2L Preamp.
I would really appreciate amp recommendation that would complement these pieces.
Budget under 1.5k
You can't go wrong with Parasound's high current amps. They're an excellent value. Just my two cents. -Mark
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go with the McCormack amp. Best fit for your budget would be DNA-225. These amps will work really good with Vandersteen speakers.
Bob, Don't be confused. If anyone has the electronics knowledge to be able to understand Richard, you do. Please call him and then translate the major points in English for the rest of us! All I need to know is that what he says is fact. I will not disobey, ever again! BTW, Krell amps, and many others are stable to 1 ohm or less. I don't think it is as difficult as it is expensive! Vandersteen impedance values do not swing wildly at different frequencies. This is what causes speakers to be typed "difficult to drive". Vandersteens do not fall into this category. Please call Richard, you will learn more in 15 minutes with this man than...but I bet he spends an hour with you!!!Z.
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