Upgrade order suggestion preamp vs speakers

Potentially, a difficult to answer question but was just curious how the audience would respond. What would be the most beneficial upgrade for the ears: preamp (ARC LS25 mk II -> boulder) or speakers (watt/puppy 7 -> maxx2)?
Ultimately, both components will likely be upgraded but I may live with this upgrade for a few years.
might have guessed that. although they say the heart of the system is in the preamp. The ARC preamp was always good in my opinion but now I felt it was out classed by the speakers and the amp. I appreciate the suggestions, I will ponder it some more. The goal was for a bigger soundstage/more detail the concensus seems that the maxx 2 is that much better than the watt puppy.
Do you have enough room to play the Maxx?? It's a big speaker.
If so, and you generally like Mr Wilson's products, then here's another rec for the speakers.

As to the pre, it's outclassed imo by the rest of the equip. HOWEVER, most pre's aren't very good anyway; so, spend money where it's likely to make the most difference for the financial outlay. (You can also use a passive transformer based "pre" if you like, as an alternative to actually buying an active one for now... the big Boulder pre is hideously expensive!)
Dear Rlkern_dallas: I think that you have other one alternative: +++++ " The goal was for a bigger soundstage/more detail ... " +++++

You can get those goals and a " little " more if you add a pair of self powered subwoofers and integrate with your main speakers ( Watt/Puppy7 ) in a true stereo fashion. The
MAXX2 not only can't beat it but can't even either.

Now, you don't have to go for the Boulder preamp and I agree here with Auiooracle : +++++ " you can find other reference preamplifiers which offer amazing performance and are much less expensive. " +++++

In that way you can get both: better speakers and better preamp and this mean: better quality sound reproduction!!! and for less money that what you are thinking to spend right now.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have placed an order for the speakers. I plan to be impressed and will quit thinking about a preamp for awhile.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts/experiences.