Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
How would I characterize the Pass sound?
X-350, X-350.5, X-600, etc. have a similar character to them, as do the preamps and phono stages. To my ear, these are the adjectives that come to mind:
incisive, dry, narrow, neutral, ashy, wispy, airy.
I'm calling it like I hear it, with neither a vote for or against Pass.

I found the XA-160s had a bit more jump and dance to them. They orchestrated the music in a more arrestive manner, and with a sweeter, tad more emotional (read: triode-ish) sound to them.

Hope that answers your question.
Thank you boa2. Have you listened to the new .5 series? I would agree with a few of your adjectives when describing the previous series. I felt they were a bit dry, clinical, sterile. The new .5 series is very similar to that XA series but they still retain the same detail, dynamics.

Thanks again!
I've heard the 350.5 maybe 10 months ago. If this is not the new .5 series, then no, I've not heard it. Thanks for the alert on that!

Now I am a little confused.

Understanding that it is always difficult to describe sound, I don't put:

"dry, incisive, neutral"

or in the words of Tboooe

"clinical and sterile"

in the same family as "liquid", palpable,warm musical, natural, wonderful, fabulous, gorgeous, I love it, let's rush right out and spend a few thousand dollars more on new amps.

I have always been intrigued by Pass equipment and would love to see two massive monoblocks with blue lights in my listening room.

But I don't need any more "dry" "etched" "clear" or "revealing" for as long as I live please.

I just want to admire the beauty and crafstmanship of these amps, enjoy the music, never run out of power with my Magneplanar Tympanis, and not rack up giant UPS bills shlepping them back and forth to the manufacturer for service.

If anyone knows if any of these Pass monoblocks are up to that task, please do let me know.

cwlondon: based on my experience with the new .5 amps, I would say they are very much up to the task. Now they are never going to sound like tube amps. So if you are looking for some serious warm, liquid, palpable sound, then I think you should look for tubes. However, if you want the best of ss and tubes then the I think the new .5 or XA Pass Labs give you this.