Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
Boa, The problem with the Andra IIs... very hard to find on the used market.
Anyone heard Talon matched up with Pass gear?
Perhaps, I'm mistaken here, but, I thought I read in TAS that Nelson Pass didn't think that the XA-160's should be used with speakers that dropped below 6 Ohms.
I may be mistaken. But I believe he states there are no speakers that present a load that is troublesome to the XA-160. He does say for large speakers that are not very efficient the X-600.5 is probably a better choice. We are talking extremes here.
Boa, The problem with the Andra IIs... very hard to find on the used market
I'm sure these can be had for a close-to-used price, and here is a used pair.

I've seen as many as 3 pair at once on the used market. But if you're deciding between the WP7 and the 802D, I'd suggest hearing the Andra II first. They are quite different than the Wilsons or the B&Ws.

Good luck!
The Von Schweikery 5ES sounded quite good with the 600s.I'm sure that the 160s would sound even better.
If thay's not in the budget,then possibly the 4 jr/sr.
The Talons use the Accuton tweeter.I 've heard it sound very good and very irritating-depending on equipment and room.