Speaker match with Pass Labs XA-160

Just upgraded to XA-160 monos. Currently running X-350 with an X-1 pre. Speakers are Audio Physic Virgo IIs with REL Storm III subs in stereo config. Any thoughts on full range speakers that would match well with these gems.
I will no longer allow physicians and dentists to treat me with X-Rays. Only those rays associated with letters at the beginning of the alphabet.
OK, I accept that X is wrong. And I know two wrongs don't make a right. But what about three wrongs? It just feels right to me...
There seems to be a portion of the Audiophile community with nothing to say and too much time on their hands.

Islandbird, thank you for the recommendation, a pair of Firebirds just recently sold in Monterey, I'm close enough... I could have picked them up! I have never heard them, but have heard good things about them. I would like not to exceed $10,000... these Firebirds were $18,000! Any comments on the Von Schweikert VR-7s put on sale today?
It would have been beneficial to the conversation had you noted in your initial post that your list of considerations was no larger than space between the erasers and the Chicklets.
Boa,Bartokfan....I don't find myself inclined to contribute to a thread if I have no interest in the subject. You have obviously involved yourself in this decussion with no interest but disruption. If you don't care for the "Pass sound" why waste your superior opinion on such matters?