How come no one talks of sansui?

i love sansui. I have a complete ss setup (electrocomaniet and marantz sm17sa + norh Le amp)
i heard my friend's old AU 717 sansui....i must say
very very dynamic and impressive...and solid build quaility
i am going to pick one of these that go on ebay for 50 bucks...would hurt for a garage system
You cant find one on ebay for 50 dollars the last dozen of so have all sold between 300 and 400....
My First stereo coming out of the service I purchased was a Sansui AU919. It was fantastic in it's time and as an entry level for about a $100 with a tuner it couldn't be beat. That was of course until I bought a Pioneer SX1650 Reciever!! Hell that was back in 1976!!
Hey Audionut......this also brings me first "receiver" was a Sansui 800.......then I went for the big bucks to a Sansui 8. Had the Dual 1219.....Shure....and a hoast of speakers from....Pioneer, KLH 17, Eastman, to Bose 901's!!!!

Then I started to read "The Absoulte Sound"......and on to chapter 2.
I must admit that I had a pair of 901's powered by a Mcintosh Receiver and I too thought life was good and filled with great music. Then came the mags , also.
Hey Ligi...after the Sansui I also got into Mac's c-28 and 2505 (or something like that)...ah...youth!!!!