Plato, LOL - your post must have crossed with Pablovila's - so far its 2 to 1. But, in the search of peace, I will agree with you that the Musical Reference RM 9 is a good choice except that is not a 'current model' as he requested.
Pablovia, I'm not sure what your sonic (tonally speaking) priorities are, but assuming they are neutral, I'd look at the Rogues as a good value and possibly the Primaluna 6's based on EL34's or 7's which are based on KT88's. Both a bit over $2000 but based on my experience with PL stuff so far they could be a real value in the 70wt to 80wt area. I really like thier little PL3 pre-amp for the money. $2000 is sort of the low end of the price range for really good quality amps. One no longer in production but made by a company that will be around if you need them and also has great resale is Conrad Johnson. I'm thinking about the Pemier 11 model. Sells for 1500 to 1750, is easy to maintain and not hard on tubes. Maybe a tad loose/warm in the lower end but a beautiful mid and upper range. Speaks in one voice however. Nothing sticks out as being out of balance.
Pablovia, I'm not sure what your sonic (tonally speaking) priorities are, but assuming they are neutral, I'd look at the Rogues as a good value and possibly the Primaluna 6's based on EL34's or 7's which are based on KT88's. Both a bit over $2000 but based on my experience with PL stuff so far they could be a real value in the 70wt to 80wt area. I really like thier little PL3 pre-amp for the money. $2000 is sort of the low end of the price range for really good quality amps. One no longer in production but made by a company that will be around if you need them and also has great resale is Conrad Johnson. I'm thinking about the Pemier 11 model. Sells for 1500 to 1750, is easy to maintain and not hard on tubes. Maybe a tad loose/warm in the lower end but a beautiful mid and upper range. Speaks in one voice however. Nothing sticks out as being out of balance.