A good 50-70 watts tube amplifier for $ 2000?

I want to build a second system around a good 50-70 watts tube amplifier. My budget for the amp is around $ 2000 and I prefer to buy an amp that is a current model, in order to avoid service problems in the near future. Any help will be appreciated. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
Pablo, Conrad Johnson MV60SE($1500 used)matches very well with my Coincident Partial Eclipse. I think it also matches very well with Cary and Manley amps. Do a search for Coincident in this forum.
I would second the suggestion of the c-j MV-60 but not the SE version. Retube it with Mullard EL-34 re-issues, some NOS 6SN7s and get Sovtek 12AX7LPS.

Good Luck!*>)
First, you won't need 70WPC for those speakers. Second, rather than a "current" model why not look for an older model amp from VAC, Quicksilver, Manley, Atma-Sphere, BAT, etc. You'll get very high quality and these companies provide excellent service and parts if required. IMO of course.
In addition to what has already been discussed, take a look at the pair of AES (Cary) Sixpac mono amps listed here. Sweet EL34 tubes that have served me well for several years now. Point to point wiring with zero feedback and 50 watts of triode power. Looks like a very fair price with extra tubes as well. No affiliation.
I would also suggest a conrad johnson MV-60 or premier 11a. The 11a is not a current product but cj services their products well into the future so this would not be an issue.
