Hybrid amps that can play 1 ohm loads

I have Apogee Scintillas and am looking for a modern high current hybrid that can play a one ohm load and still maintain the beauty of tubes in the midrange. This will take an amp with a heavy duty power supply that still can sound like music. Any ideas would be welcomed. Bob
You will find some 2 ohm amps around.
However, the only 1 ohm amp I know of is a vintage Grommes G101A. It is a fully tubed amp, amazingly nice, 100/120 watts per channel, taps as low as 1.4ohms.
Check Grommes-Precision.com
George Kays new moscode 401HR. George invented the hybrid over 20 years ago. It would be a match made in heaven. The best part is he offers a money back policy. Good Luck
The Moscode does not do very low impedence loads.

"The Moscode 401HR offers pretty good measured performance, though it is clearly not happy driving loads below 4 ohms. It also looks the business, with that seductive glass front panel softly glowing blue.—John Atkinson"