Thrift store finds. Yamaha ca-600 integrated amp

Hello out there!
I was at my local Goodwill store a few weeks ago, and while thumbing through the vinyl records area, I looked up and a lady employee was bringing out a blue bin of new merchandise to put on the shelves, and a vintage silver amp caught my eye.
With my heart beating a little faster now, I nonchalantly made a bee-line to the bin she placed on the floor. I picked up the amp and noticed it was a Yamaha ca-600 in decent shape. I plugged it in and the relay clicked but no red power light came on. I managed to test it and it seemed to work. I was pondering " another amp to drag home!?!" do I really want this, it was only $9.98.
I have never been that impressed with any of the Kenwoods and pioneers I heard from that time period, BUT I thought you never know if its good or bad until you hear it play.
I needed to use the john there so I gave it to my 9 year old son, Aaron. He was in the toy section, and I told him "make sure no one tries to take it from you and if they do, yell"
(I know I'm a freak)
Anyway, I get home and hook it up, and was floored with the sound it produced! I'm now making it my main system amp, its just the best thing ever, Im so pleased. Mind you I have spent a lot of money (for me) on stereo stuff. This is really bitter sweet. I have had/heard a fair amount of stuff, To name a few: Threshold, rega, lots of NAD's (original 3020 is was the best still, IMO) Forte, Audio aero integrated, Rotel, Arcam Delta 290, Cary and a lot of others.
Yamaha made super MUSICAL integrateds, that are dynamic and detailed and most importantly musical, thats what gets you involved , so that matters most to me.

Question: Have you had a similar experience?, please share.

Thanks, Mcgarick
if you like it now, have audiogon member EZEKIEL (a.k.a. randy young) do some upgrades on it. i have a yamaha cr-800 receiver i want to get to him someday after he worked magic on some other vintage equipment i have (and may never sell :-) he's located near knoxville, tennessee fyi.

congrats on the score!
I had a yamaha CA-1000 that worked great, until the C-J sound seduced me I had no reason to move on. Good score