Conrad Johnson Act 2 series 2 First Impressions

This will be an ongoing thread as I will periodically post my impressions as this unit breaks in . I owned the Act 2 series one for over a year and became quite familiar with its strengths and sonic character. The Act 2 series 2 has just arrived and I have 90 hours on it thus far . What is immediately obvious is the improvement in the midrange to the lower midrange . The notes and their color are fleshed out with greater ease and immediacy . I was listening to Diana Kralls Steppin Out and on virtually the entire disc , the difference between the two units is startlingly obvious. There is more depth and decay to acoustic bass notes imo. The brushes as they glide across the drum kit reverberate for a longer period and her voice has more of her chest in it. This is not to slight the Act 2 as I loved every second I listened to it . Its just that this new preamp is digger deeper in the midrange. The Teflon caps in their new gear takes 300 hours to break in in my experience so this observation is initial and superficial . I just wanted to begin this in public so those interested could follow my journey. More to come after 150 hours. Thanks .
You are welcome and thank You for the kind words . To hear this new gear from the company { and that includes the Premier 350 and Lp 140 monoblocs } is to crave it. Some lament the new direction as the bloomy midrange has been recessed somewhat for a clearer view into the recording but I find just the opposite ; involving midrange palpability with the added bonus of cleaner lines and focus. Its the best of both worlds for me and the 2.2 addressed the shortcomings inherent in the Act 2. Again , thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and to respond.
Hi Brainwater, just upgrade from Act 2 to Act 2 series 2. When I had the ACT2 I didnt quite like it for the price I m paying. I felt that its too polite sounding and cant seems to handle the dynamics of classical music as well as I would like. ACT2 series 2 seems to make a hugh improvement even before break in. I noticed that the background is quieter. Dynamics, certainly much livelier. Overall its certainly more involving and musical. Even on the 1st day I can hear an obvious difference btw the two. Glad to have purchase it. However, I noticed that you have change to Art 2. Must be much better to upgrade so fast. Happy listening
Baranyi, the cost is 5500.00 to upgrade an existing Act 2 to a series 2. Well , and I mean well worth it.

Audioblazer. I am in awe of what CJ is doing with each new preamp introduction . The Act 2.2 walked all over the Act 2 . Obtaining an Art 3 was a dream come true !! I was able to make it happen and went for it . Live once , live hard.
I spoke with CJ about upgrading - the have not put a price on it yet. It will require a virtual complete overhaul, new PCB board and power supply.

The retail price has increase from $13000 to $16000 for the series 2. So it seems anything under $5000 would be worth it.

As a short term fix. I have upgraded the tubes to NOS DRs and most important treated the tube pins and RCAs with Xtreme Quick SilverGOLD. The change was dramatic, a big improvment in dynamics. In fact, I almost jumped out of my chair on the first listen. I would also replace the stock PC, I've had alot of luck with the Nordost Valhalla PC coupled with the Thor conditioner - this also increased the dynamics , improved the musicality, and widened and deepened the soundstage.