Passive Pre - No Regrets?

I'm interested in hearing from folks who have moved from a high quality active preamp (I'm currently using a CAT SL1 Ulitmate)to a passive preamp and have had no regrets. I'm particularly interested in hearing from those that have switched to a Placette or Sonic Euphoria (the two I'm considering). I'm using a CAT JL2 Amp feeding Merling VSM-MX.
Still waiting, but maybe they'll arrive today. Atmasphere. let me ask you a question. If you could design a passive preamp, choose an appropriate source with just the right output impedance, select the cabling to be used (for appropriate electrical properties- and lenght)and they were feeding one of your OTLs or some other quality 100KOhm load - that is you could optimze the variables that determine successful versus unsuccessful implementation of the passive approach - could you conceive that a passive, minalmist approach might work better, sound better than an active, any active preamplifier. I would accept that the passive might not be as flexible, be more fussy, and may be less universally marketable.
Unless I missed something, all of this talk of transformer vs. autoformer is pure speculation. I don't see where anybody posting has actually compared.

Neither have I, but the link I gave to Intact Audio has an active forum with people I know, and who's ears I trust, who's passion is transformers and inductors, and FWIW they say there is no contest; an autoformer is clearly superior to a transformer when used as a volume control.

I don't see this as a drawback as the issue with DC is no different if you use a resitive voltage divider of some sort.
Darkmoebius: Yes very short speaker cables I actually have built a pair to my flavor mixing copper and silver transformer wire, right now I think I am missing a couple of copper strands to give it more body. The ICs are Gabriel Gold bought here in Agon, I also have Nordost Blue Haven but they are a bit forward and shy on bass, I tried Siltech SQ80 and they were too dark, Black Mountain were too light..Gabriel mixed good in my system, 1 meter between DAC and amps. 4 inches one strand kimber blue (from 8tc) from the attenuator to the input tube inside the amp :-)
I got the PLC partly because I got a good deal and because I heard better reviews of autoformer vs transformer...since I got the perfect setup for passives I might give the transformer a try, probably the Promiteus Audio since they are affordable. (say against th 6.5k for the AudioConsulting)
Atmasphere: I find Pubul57s question very ineteresting also, If you could design the perfect source-preamp-cables for your amps, would it be passive or active?

I came across Dave Slagle via Thom Mackris at Galibier Design. Thom was very impressed with the autoformer Dave built for last years RMAF. Lynn Olson recently reviewed the Monarchy M24 DAC/preamp and used the autoformer in the review system. He gave the combinaton a glowing review. I certainly give both these gentleman a lot of credibility. I myself own an S&B TVC custom built for me by Kevin Carter. I have heard the Sonic Euphoria and did not like it as much as my TVC, but when I'm at RMAF this year you can bet I'm going to see what it will take to get my hands on a Dave Slagle autoformer.

Resistor-based passives, TVCs and autoformers all have their place. Just like anything in audio it all comes down to a well thought out and executed design. There are many fine flavors to choose from and that what makes this hobby fun for me.
I wasn't dawging the PLC..only pointing out. One shouldn't confuse the two. Whether one is superior to the other is in the ear of the beholder. Hey Jsadurni..if the Promitheus doesn't work out for you. I'll buy it from you for what you paid for it. I already know the out come..once you get it, I'll have to pry it from your cold dead hands!LOL

Good listening