Congatulations Pubul57!!
As long as we are making announcements I would also point out that my dynamics quest with the passive preamp is over, now I got the dynamics of my previous SS preamp and the transparency of the passive, tweaks helped a lot for this, Ribbon power cables, 2 inch Spruce Wood bases on all my gear, and biamping!!! I now use my passive preamp to drive my mono amps and a Subwoofer....amazing!
As long as we are making announcements I would also point out that my dynamics quest with the passive preamp is over, now I got the dynamics of my previous SS preamp and the transparency of the passive, tweaks helped a lot for this, Ribbon power cables, 2 inch Spruce Wood bases on all my gear, and biamping!!! I now use my passive preamp to drive my mono amps and a Subwoofer....amazing!