PrimaLuna Prologue 1 or 2?

To anyone with an informed opinion (which obviously includes Kevin Deal if he sees this):

I'm considering a PrimaLuna Prologue 1 or 2 for my system. I've read various descriptions of the sound qualities of each, at least with their stock tubes, but I'm having some difficulty in translating that info into what I'm likely to hear with the equipment I've got. So here it is:

Sources: VPI Scout/Sumiko BPS; modified Sony SACD; Rega Planet 2000 with ModWright Channel Islands DAC
Speakers: Meadowlark Kestrel 2; Hsu Research VTF2MkII
Room: 15'x18'x8'-8"
Music: pop, rock, jazz, vocals, classical, acoustic (folk/bluegrass)

If it makes any difference, I'm coming from a B&K ST-140 and Adcom GFP-710.


Kestral 2s love tubes and either choice will probably be just fine. On my experience with the Kestrals, I'd opt for the KT88-based Prologue 2. The speakers will appreciate that extra bit of power, and the added "bottom" provided by KT88s will be most welcome, especially if you're listening to rock or big symphonic works. Plus I recall that the Prologue 2 will also take EL34 tubes should you ever want it to (but not vice versa, I believe).

The Prologue 2 will allow you to use different tube types: KT88s (supplied), as well as 6550, EL-34, 6CA7, 6L6GC, KT66, or 7581. The Prologue 1 can only be used with EL-34.

Each tube type does sound somewhat different. You may find yourself experimenting (or wanting to experiment). You probably know yourself better in this regard and how prone you are to tweak things.

KT88's will give you more punch in the bass, EL34's highlight the midrange, the 6550's (to my ears anyway) seem to bridge both the bass and midrange spectrums the best.

I have had the Prologue 2 for about a year and a half now. I wanted the flexibility of tube swapping, am driving "old school" Acoustic Research 3 way speakers, and wanted the extra oomph in the bass that KT88's provide. I am still very happy with the purchase and have no desire to upgrade.

Regards, Rich
Craig, I'm not familar with your system or what in reproduced music is important to you, however I am quite familar with the Primaluna. Its simple - if your into audio because you want to hear every thing crisp and defined so you can listen to all of the nuances of audiophilia you need the 2 as it provides more resolution and detail than the 1, as well as flexibility. If you are into music more and just want to relax and listen to a tune without worrying about what your system is doing the 1 is ideal. IMHO it is the more balanced, tonally speaking, of the two units but you will find the bass a bit less resolved and the highs are a tad softer. Good luck with your choice.
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The circuit I expect. I have other amps which use EL34's from which to form my opinions apart from the Primaluna, and my experience with the 1 and those amps with the EL34's is similar except that my other amps have big trannies and produce a tighter bass, but not necessarily deeper bass.

Surprisingly the bass response in the 1 w/EL34's sounds fuller (some might say warmer/looser) throughout the bass frequencies than using the 2 (or in my case the 5) with even the KT88's or 6550's. With these two tube types the bass takes on a different texture, becomes more taut, drum whacks more percussive, its still very capable, and certainly more audiophile approved, etc, but when you plug EL34's (or 6L6's) into the 2 the deep bass become enemic when compared to the 1 or the 2 w/KT88's/6550's.

An important consideration is selecting tube type in the 2 would be the bass capabilities of the speakers. If they don't do deep bass and you want a more crisp tone the 2 would be great, and its really responsive to tailoring with different tube types and brands.

But I'm really sincere in my comments about the 1. I love it for what it is, a great little unit with which you can listen to tunes and forget audiophilia. :-)