Tube preamp suggestions.

I enjoy a lush sound with extended decays, bass with weight, and holographic mids. PRAT, speed, and resolution are not my top prioroties. Looking for a preamp that will compliment my vintage Mcintosh MC275 ( decked out to my tastes with gold lions and telefunkens ) amp and bring digital closer to analogue. Not interested in 6h30 tubes, tried cary slp98, bat and AR ls25 mk2...I seem to prefer the 6922 based versions. Associated gear is Focus Audio FS-88 speakers, using Harmonix interconnects & powercords and nordost SPM cables. I already have dedicated lines and using wattgate outlets with no power conditioners. I really enjoyed the Supratek Shyrah but found it very microphonic, couldnt get within 15 feet of it with a cell phone. Im interested in Emotive preamps and Blue circle but no dealers remotly close to my area. Any opinions on these 2 or or suggestions would be appreciated.
I agree with Rushton. The CJ's are a real good value. Try for a PV10a with phono and try rolling the 12ax7s, 12au7s and 12at7s. I use Mullard box plate 12ax7s, Mullard box plate 12au7s and Brimar 12at7s.Almost any NOS tube will be better than what comes stock. The CJ's will give you holographic 3d mids, sweet and extended highs, fairly decent and detailed bass with great pace and rhythm. They're all about the music.
If you heard the Supratek and liked it then I think you are going to be hard pressed to find anything as good.Very few Supratek owners seem to have poblems with microphonics.The one you heard was obviously an exception.What valves was it using?I own a 300b Cabernet and have had no problems-unless you rap on the chasis-but even then the microphonics quickly settle.
If PRAT is your priority you really need to hear a Sauvignion with 6SN7 tubes.Amazing in this area and as I understand it the 6SN7s are very non microphonic.
The Audio Horizons TP 2.0 is a 6922 tube based preamp. There are a number of threads here in the forum in which its qualities are discussed. I have found it to be an excellent preamp in my system (VTL MB185 Signature monoblocks; Coincident Tech Super Eclipse Mk III loudspeakers). Perhaps most important for your purpose, it is available for a 30 day trial in your system.
I use the TP 2.0nB version with Siemens tubes.
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