A great article on Class D/switching amps

The latest edition of The Absolute Sound has, in my opinion, the best overall perspective and evaluation of the eight most regarded class D switching amps on the market today.

The article contains an explanation of the technology, an interview with a couple of the most important designers, the individual reviews and finally a round table discussion regarding these amps.

I believe any of you GON members who might be considering auditioning a class D switching amp would want to review this piece regarding their different sonic signatures.

I had the pleasure of listening to the Kharma MP150 which the panel picked as being on top of the "heap" compared to Audio Research 300.2,Channel Island Audio D-200, Nuforce Reference 9 Special Edition, Red Dragon Audio Leviathan Signature, Jeff Roland Design Group 201, Cary Audio Design A 306,and finally the Spectron Musician III.

Each amp had at least two different reviewers with different systems evaluate them and then compare their experiences. This was a well done piece and if you read it I believe you find it both educational and helpful to understand what these amps are all about.
I have consistent findings regarding the sound of my eAR Figaro's at home (modified ICEpower ASP1000 modules). These findings comprise: more lifelike sound than previous conventional amps I owned in the past (Mark Levinson 333, Jeff Rowland Model I, Accuphase A-50V), better and deeper bass, more pristine treble. Better midrange dynamics. The only thing that is probably less than the best conventional amps is front to back depth (ICEpower sounds somewhat flatter). At first listen there can be some impression of too little midrange fullness or density, but this is probably due to less distortion and coloration. Some have to get used to it. Briefly I can say that listening to the eAR Figaro's it's as if some "live" mic feed is being passed through the speakers. With conventional amps (solid state or tube) the music is emanating from the speaker itself.

The lack of depth is a power supply problem. The digital power supplies can be steely accurate, but it takes a big analog power supply to bring out the best from the ICE amps. I enjoy tremendous staging side to side and fore to aft.
Muralman1, you are right as rain, excellent point. I myself have determined that an oversized power supply has provided more depth on some gear I have owned.
I'm using a Tact Millenium class d amp since '99 replacing at that time pass aleph 2 mono blocks. The tact is different to the newer designs. I directly converts PCM to PWM so no DAC needed. Volume is adjusted by adjusting the voltage which is been switched.
in 2001 I had high a friend with a very high end system: 12K transport (TL0) going into AN DAC 5 limited edition, preamp was Conrad Johnsson Art and amps with AN single ended Keigon mono blocks driving Wilson MAXX speaker. Once took my Millenium over to my friends place replaced all that very expensive tube gear (pre/power and DAC). To my and myfriends very surprise that tact sounded extremely similar to the tube stuff!
Got the amp modded recently and extremely happy with dring my Omega DUOs.