bi-amp question

I have a pair of Dynaudio C1 speakers which accept only sigle-wire speaker cable, they are now powered by a Linn Klimax Charkra Twin stereo amp, question is: is there any way I could add another Twin stereo amp so I could run bi-amp configuration with the C1s? I know I could get the Klimax solos amps which are designed to do the job, but I am trying to see if there is a way I can avoid selling my existing Twin stereo.
If the speakers have only one pair of input terminals, you'll have to modify the crossovers to create separate electrical access to the 2 sections so that you can biamplify them.

"I know I could get the Klimax solos amps which are designed to do the job...". What job?

BTW it's 'biamp', not 'bi-amp'.

Thanks for the answer and correction.

When I refer to "designed to do the job", I meant the Linn Klimax "Solo" is a mono amp, it is designed to be used in multiple configuration in serving multi-channel system.

I can see clearly now that biamp "Twin" stereo amp is not the way to go for me.

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