Has anybody else experienced the magic of Karan??

I just recieved the new Karan dual mono KSA 270 amp and have never heard such a massive change to my system before!!I am running a source direct GNSC Wadia dac and transport with all Virtual Dynamics cabling in a dedicated room.The sound is truly huge in every way imaginable, dynamics,resolution,naturalness,detail.I feel like I hit the lottery of audio!!Are there are others who feel the same way about Karan ??
Hi Kops, the amp has a damping factor of 6ooo which controls the speaker with a vise like grip.The power does double as the impedance drops and it has a bandwith of 1hz-300,000hz which is the same as the Boulder amps ( the whole Karan line uses the same front end circuit).The slew rate is unknown but I can tell you that it delivers a whole slew of music!The amp does weigh in at a 130lbs and is dc coupled with bipolar outputs (Sankens)and is using a myriad of German parts(trannies @960kvaand caps and heat sinks).It runs very coool to the touch and since my speakers are 6 ohms they are pulling a 400 watts out of the amp (possible 500 watts peak).It does have a beutiful double aluminum face plate with a tactfully done Karan logo.
I am sorry, I took pictures of the amp but they are very blurry so I wil try again shortly.I am demoing the amp today to a guy who has Lamn's and the big Wilsons.The amp has about 200 hours on it and is almost burned in sonically ( I hope).Take care Dennis
It is good to find another Karan fan! I've owned my Karan KA-i180 integrated for 3 years. It is a truely amazing piece of audio equipment!
Hi Brian,I found the website and a Tnt review under a Google web search.You may find a link through Avatar acoustics.com who imports the Karan line.The company is called Karan acoustics and is made in Novi Sad Yugoslavia.The gentleman that just came over for the demo is placing his order for a Ksa 450 to drive the Wilsons !!I guess the sound spoke for itself,he remarked that everything had it's own acoustical space and it never changed even through extreme dynamic swings.Hope this helps-Dennis