Amps and Quatros

I have a pair of Vandersteen Quatro speakers. I attended the Iraqi Mountain Audio Fest this weekend and heard several amplifiers that I liked, but I am having a hard time deciding what to get. Your help is appreciated.

I am considering Quicksilver V4, Manly Labs Snapper,mono blocking a pair of Blue Circle BC22s; pay McCormack 500; Cary V12 and perhaps Jolida.

Please also recommend a preamp. I MUST HAVE an XLR connection from the preamp to the amp because of the high pass filters on the Quatro's.

My room is 12 x 24 and acoustically treated. I use the equipment for home theater as well as music. I listen at levels between 75 and 85 dB. My music choice is quite varied: from Johnny Cash to Jethro Tull.

I appreciate your feedback.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcajunbaseball
The high pass filters are also available in RCA, so that might expand your search.
LMAO! I was wondering about that Iraqi Mountain Audio Fest.
I thought they might use camels as room treatments. :-)

My friend A'gon member "donemail" uses an updated McCormack 0.5(100 watts).