NHew Bryston 100SST is a honey with 100 watts not 60 and can addd D to A bord and phno board but is pricey.You will find many at various price points with one output and some with two mif you ever want to biamp hoirzoantally.Rogue m,akes good all tube gear in new lower priced line and Mark O'brien can add output if you want I believe.Great integrated with upgrade path is the VTL 85 which has variable out for sub and then latter get a plsitter to ad matching power amp (exact same circuts) so you can get splitter to go to amp and one to sub.And since the integrated matches the power amp you could add second power amp horizontally and not only get 150% or power but have two or three way speaker because less demands are made of each amp.Has not mono conversion switch so you don't have to nail bite about going vertical or horizontal.Latter is less power but many times has much more finesse.More the better (haing two not one) for future.Go deeper and get hybrid.Not sure if beautifull Pathos Classic III (now) has out's but think perfect rig would be a used Unison.If you have one set of outputs that are variable you can often just get high qualioty splitter from godd company like WBT and you'll never hear difference having to spliy it.
But Unsion is new vae of prety lkeading edge tech where tubes do there best (changing \voltage and giving it's sound chracterostics there and output is mosfet where you won't get roll off at frequency extremes or weak bass.Also when you pockets are mopre ching-a-lingy you can get multiple level upgrades with wirring,caps,diodes etc.Read revview of upgrade Unison's at www.6moons.com or go to Underwoodwally whjich will send you to links for the upgrades.Come sin two flavors with SE puting out more power (130 versus 80 I think?).You'd like it.Check out Underwoodwally's site and look at Unison stock and upgrades for future.Many here hjave reccomended much cheaper optioon that I did but you hadn't mentioned budget.But you can find what you are looking for with above pplus my slightly higher priced reccomendations.