May I humbly suggest the MusikLab Dual-Mono amplifiers from Denmark. The designer, Michael Edinger, designed the circuits for amplifiers receiving the TAS "Golden EAr" Awards. The Dual Mono D-220 represents the "next generation"of thse previous deisgns but now on his personal brand.
As a tube lover, I am absolutely shocked at the sonics, purity, speed and resolution with exceptional bass control of the D-220. It easily surpasses large 833 SET amps in every area including parts quality.
more info at
Jim Ricketts
tmh audio
As a tube lover, I am absolutely shocked at the sonics, purity, speed and resolution with exceptional bass control of the D-220. It easily surpasses large 833 SET amps in every area including parts quality.
more info at
Jim Ricketts
tmh audio