Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?

I currently own a Modwright preamp and a Pass Labs X150 amp. I really enjoy these components but, I wish the Pass amp had more warmth in my system. What amps have the warmth of tubes but are as detailed and as controlled as this Pass amp. I can't afford the .5 series of Pass amps. I previously had a CJ MF-200 amp and PV-11 preamp in my system, which was much warmer, but not as clean and detailed. I'm looking to spend about $2K used. Thanks!
I'm impressed with the Butler amps. A nice affordable (used) hybrid OTL design. They'll provide some warmth, without sacrificing too much in the process.
hi sam, the combination of solid state and good is an oxymoron (just kidding). solid state is a miserable state (just kidding, again).

i have heard many solid state amps, but have liked none. all of them sound like transistors. they have no color.

perhaps you can suggest a solid state amp and planar speaker which you feel is an outstanding combination. i will try to lieten to bot together.

i will add, that most amps manufactured in 2006 are unkind to the ear--both tubes and solid state.
if warmth implies an attenuation in the lower treble, a component cannot be warm and detailed.

so, it boils down to how a word is defined. for me warmth implies subtraction in the treble and also, slightly in the upper mids. too mjuch detail in the aforementioned regions more than offsets any benefit in the lower frequencies. it is the lower treble and upper midrange which can be the cause of listener fatigue.
if warmth implies an attenuation in the lower treble, a component cannot be warm and detailed.

You are the only one who's mentioned attenuation in the lower treble. I don't think all the amps we're talking about here necessarily have that defect ("defect" being your opinion). I'd associate warmth more with the upper bass and lower mid. In my mind, it does not negate detail. I've heard tube amps that I'd certainly call "warm" or "colored", yet some exhibit hair-raising detail. Most of those have been P/P or pentode. The Mesa Baron I had for a while comes to mind.

I prefer tubes as well, overall, but I have heard several SS systems that I've enjoyed very much, and have not found fatiguing to listen to at length. Nothing specifically that comes to mind with planar speakers though, as I have had little exposure to that realm. My good friend just got a pair of Maggie 20.1's which I'll no doubt be hearing frequently with various amps, knowing him. So if I hear something SS that I like I'll let you know.

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